ISBN: 978-1-58331-523-1
ACSI's Leading Insights series highlights the latest thinking on best practices for Christian school educators in areas of key importance in their schools. Each monograph in the series draws on leading experts, as well as Christian school perspectives and voices, to share fresh ideas for advancing you school's Christ-centered mission in an important area of focus.
This monograph, Biblical Worldview and Spiritual Formation, focuses on the core mission of Christian education—discipling the hearts and minds of students, and equipping them as ambassadors of Christ and reconcilers to God’s creation. With chapters by leaders, teachers, and researchers who have worked extensively in and with Christian schools, this edition shares valuable insights for fostering a school culture that is rooted in a biblical worldview and love of God and neighbor. Practical strategies and a culminating reflection guide will benefit readers in any role—whether in leadership, spiritual life oversight, classroom teaching, curricular planning, faculty professional development, or service-learning—as well as school teams seeking to grow in faithfulness to their Christ-centered mission.
ISBN: 978-1-58331-199-8
ACSI's Leading Insights series highlights the latest thinking on best practices for Christian school educators in areas of key importance in their schools. Each monograph in the series draws on leading experts, as well as Christian school perspectives and voices, to share fresh ideas for advancing you school's Christ-centered mission in an important area of focus.
This monograph, Mental Health and Well-being, features practitioners, experts, and researchers in school counseling, student mental health, and wellness. The authors, who have worked in and with Christian schools, share valuable insights and practical strategies for attending to mental health needs and promoting well-being in Christian education. With a focus on creating a faith-based foundation and modeling best practice, this monograph encourages Christian educators as they seek to care well for the students and adults in the school communities—in and through Christ.
For ACSI certification.
As God's image bearers, Christian teachers are called to reflect the character of our creative, redemptive God. Teaching Redemptively challenges teachers to incorporate biblical principles into all areas of education, reflecting God's character in both process and content. It invites us to contemplate and apply the grace and truth of Christ that will transform our classrooms.
ISBN: 978-1-58331-223-0
A growing number of Christian schools are responding to adaptive challenges and missional opportunities by innovating new structural, financial, and operational models for Christian education. The research in this book, Future Ready: Innovative Missions and Models in Christian Education traces the stories of eleven Christian schools and networks that have engaged in fundamental mindset changes around what it means for Christian schools to be sustainable into the future.
Donovan Graham telah menjadi seorang pendidik dan terlibat dalam pelatihan dan pembinaan para pendidik sejak tahun 1965. Selama itu, ia mengajar di tingkat sekolah menengah; menjadi profesor, dekan, dan pendeta di Covenant College selama 32 tahun; dan bekerja di bidang pengasuhan misionaris. Saat ini beliau menjabat sebagai direktur dan pembimbing spiritual pada sebuah pelayanan yang beliau namakan Space for God, dimana beliau masih memimpin lokakarya bagi para pendidik terkait dengan bukunya Teaching Redemptively. Dia sangat terlibat dalam kepedulian terhadap kesejahteraan rohani para pendidik, pendeta, misionaris, dan orang Kristen lainnya yang bekerja di berbagai bidang.
Buku-bukunya antara lain Teaching Redemptively (sekarang edisi ketiga) dan Making a Difference: Christian Educators in Public Schools. Dia dan istrinya Wilma tinggal di Fairview, NC, dekat Asheville, dan mereka bersyukur atas empat anak, sepuluh cucu, dan tiga cicit.